we are

a team of professionals at your side, in the prevention of financial risk, losses and insolvencies

Multidisciplinary innovation

A lean approach, characterized by a strong multidisciplinary integration between IT, FinTech and financial analysis, focused on the continuous exchange of knowledge and the development of skills and resources. A never ending learning to fuel our capabilities: this is the core of modefinance.

As a Fintech native company or, better still, TechFin, we combine research and development within our daily activities, with a real-time data sharing, technologies and ideas, for the constant team's upskilling and consequently an evolving offer to serve the ever-changing market at our best.

The company

A firm with a dual soul, leveraging technology and finance.
We are specialized in the assessment of companies' and banks' creditworthiness, and in the development of Artificial Intelligence solutions for the analysis and management of credit risk, towards enabling our customers with complete and reliable process automation solutions.

Born with a mission

After the 2009 crisis, we had only one mission: to democratize the credit risk assessment methodology.


Providing transparent, verifiable and self-explanatory digital solutions to help companies prevent the risk of losses and insolvencies.

We do MORE

Beyond the simple algorithm

It all started with the development and testing of MORE, the Multi Objective Rating Evaluation methodology based on Data Science & Artificial Intelligence algorithms.

Based on public data and statistics, MORE is able to assess the insolvency risk of any company or credit institution, without geographical, sector and size limits. Originally conceived for credit scoring activities, MORE quickly became the centerpiece of all our solutions.

The validation process

We severely tested our methodologies and procedures, in order to provide a valid and transparent tool. The registration as a credit rating agency, according to Regulation N.1060/2009, gives legal value to the assessments:

  • 2015 registration as a Credit Rating Agency for the evaluation of companies;
  • 2016 the only Italian Rating Agency able to operate for the assessment of banks;
  • 2018 with the publication of the Mapping and the acknowledgement by EBA of the equal quality of our solicited and unsolicited ratings, we are officially listed as ECAI (External Credit Assessment Institution) and we become the first Fintech Rating Agency at European level.

Where it all started

Mattia Ciprian and Valentino Pediroda co-founded modefinance in 2009, coming from a common engineering past, and different PhD and working paths, always keen to intersect academic research and the business world. Today they lead modefinance as co-CEOs, part of the TeamSystem group since 2021, as a reference point for the entire national Fintech scene and a well known AI player at an international level, with a focus on the development of B2B services for financial risk management, as well as the first Fintech Rating Agency registered in Europe.

Valentino Pediroda
Co-founder & CEO

Mechanical engineer, with a PhD in Numerical Methods.

After a global academic experience, at PennState University and at Sendai University, he obtained a doctorate in Numerical Methods. He is the author of numerous scientific studies on the theories of numerical methods, focused on the development of innovative multi-objective methodologies and on the integration between algorithms, reactive surfaces, statistical analysis and multi-criteria decision-making processes. His interest in finance led him to coordinate several European projects in 2001, and to develop numerical models for assessing the rating of companies.

Thanks to his studies on Robust Design, Artificial Intelligence and BigData, he is now a professor of Numerical Methods at the University of Trieste.

Mattia Ciprian
Co-founder & CEO

Mechanical Engineer, with a PhD in Corporate Finance.

He began his professional career as a researcher at the University of Trieste, where he contributes to numerous international publications on statistics and applied mathematics, and as a quantitative manager for two rating companies.

In 2009 he founded together with Valentino Pediroda modefinance, a native Fintech company based in Trieste, in the largest Italian science and technology park. 

Together they develop MORE (Multi Objective Rating Evaluation), the innovative methodology for credit risk assessment based on the integration of Artificial Intelligence and BigData analysis.

Where the magic happens

The people of modefinance is its soul: a profound combination of interdisciplinary skills, in which finance and economics are managed with an advanced numerical engineering approach, to which programming languages ​​and modeling development are grafted.

Physicists, mathematicians, engineers, financial analysts and IT experts work together to conceive, design, develop and master complex systems, simplifying processes and operations for our customers.

A daily workflow characterized by a lean and transparent approach, in which information and skills are shared every day between all departments, and people are pushed to constantly update, even in real time, knowledge and opportunities, to to better serve our customers, in a world made up of sudden changes and instantaneous changes in needs.

The path from a university spin-off to an established company

In 2009 Mattia and Valentino recognize a common trait in their previous experiences: the ability to apply AI models and advanced technology to finance.
Those are the years of the global financial crisis of 2008, financial institutions worldwide suffered severe damage, reaching a climax with the bankruptcy and collapse of several banks, industries and entire countries worldwide.

After developing and testing the MORE methodology, its first application on the market is s-peek, a web app which collects financial data and credit scores of companies from all over Europe: it's not an immediate success, business information was already a thing and credit ratings were limited to big, listed corporates, but this is where it all started.

The process for the MORE methodology testing & validation brought in a first round of 1million €, showing the growing interest of the market towards technologies, and the nascent world of Fintech. 

In 2015, modefinance obtained registration as a Credit Rating Agency in accordance with Article 16 of European Regulation No. 1060/2009 et seq. This registration authorises modefinance to issue credit ratings of companies with legal value, based on criteria of transparency, solidity and independence. A year later, the authorisation is extended to bank ratings, bringing modefinance to be the only Italian rating agency to rate financial institutions.

Growing fast, four years later modefinance proves to be able to play at that table: it is recognized as the reference rating agency in Italy for the world of minibonds, as well as a fundamental player in the national Fintech world.

In 2021 we started to be noticed from primary players all over Europe, developing a valuable network of customers and partners, and receiving the patent for our very own Tigran Risk Platform, a one-of-a-kind cloud system for the digitalization and automation of risk management processes. In the same year, the TeamSystem group -controlled by Hellman & Friedman US fund- enters in modefinance capital acquiring a stake of 59%: this is where it all takes off, with the launch of modefinance international branch, to support and develop a global growth in Fintech adoption.


Beyond the traditional rating agency

Rating-as-a-Service: a further development of ratings. Since we strongly believe in the transparency and democratization of access to credit risk assessment, we have automated the approach to rating assessment by creating a streamlined and rapid procedure at the service of banks, asset management companies, investment funds, and companies analysts.

RaaS is the innovative core of modefinance, where brilliant professionals combine their backgrounds and experiences in solutions that can distinguish us on the market, at the basis of which there is a daily drive for integrated research and development.